
At Bell One Christian Reformed Church

Learn About Our Ministries 

We come together to learn, to serve and encourage one another and to reach out to our community, because God has been so good. Scroll down to view some of the ministry options at BellOne.


Kids Church

Sunday Mornings at 9:30 

(Children are dismissed with the teachers after singing)

Our children’s ministry exists to help children and young families walk with God.

Parenting young children can be very exciting and challenging. Our Sunday Morning Children’s Worship time and Sunday School will help you with the most important part, introducing them to Jesus, and what it means to worship God as a community.

Cadets & Gems

Helping boys grow more Christlike in all areas of life and girls of all backgrounds into a safe and providing girls a nurturing environment to learn and grow as they discover who God created them. For more info and registration, click the button below!



High School meets every week at 7:30pm (during the school year)

Blaze is a high school group for social and spiritual growth.

Blaze is a safe place for high schoolers from any background to gather together. As a group, they will have the opportunity to socialize with old friends, make new friends and learn to work together. They will also have the opportunity to discuss tough matters that are important to them in a safe environment. All of this is done under the guidance of Christian leaders who seek to help them grow spiritually.

Grief Share Support Group

GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. 13 week cycle begins Wednesday, February 9th at 10 am in the Social Hall.

The BellOne Soul Food Bible Reading Plan

A weekly gathering for families and individuals to support healthy, reproducible Christianity. Meets Sunday evenings at 5:30 in the council room.

Coffee Break

Thursday mornings at 9:30

Coffee Break is a community of ladies from different backgrounds coming together to study the bible and encourage one another.

Coffebreak isn’t just a weekly bible study. It’s a gathering place for women to learn about scripture, share their stories and lives with one another and create a network of support and mentorship  that transcends age and background. The weekly meetings start in a large gathering and break out into small discussion groups. 


Men’s Life

Men’s Life exists to prepare men to enjoy God and to serve & lead others.

Men’s life studies the word, but also uses video and other mediums in various topical bible studies September through May. Throughout the year men come together for various service products and to support other ministries and events at BellOne. 

Intergenerational Ministry

“One generation commends your works to another” Psalm 145:4

One of the greatest strengths of the BellOne community is the wisdom and faithfulness of our seniors. Our  everyday ministry, worship gatherings and special events are richly diverse in style and in the lives of those who participate. We celebrate this gift yearly with a dinner that brings church, family and neighborhood together called the “All Together Dinner”